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HOME >> NEWS >>Company news >> Big | suzhou: not included in the repair of distributed photovoltaic project intends to give subsidies to 0.37 yuan/degree, even for 3 years

Big | suzhou: not included in the repair of distributed photovoltaic project intends to give subsidies to 0.37 yuan/degree, even for 3 years

It says:

1. Distributed photovoltaic projects not included in the national subsidy will be subsidized 0.37 yuan/KWH for 3 years

Distributed power generation projects built between 2018 and 2020, if already included in the national subsidy, in addition to enjoying the national subsidy, the project application unit or individual will be given a subsidy of 0.05 yuan/KWH; For projects not included in the national subsidy, 0.37 yuan/KWH subsidy will be given to project application units or individuals. All projects will be subsidized for three years from the date of grid connection, and the funds will be paid in advance by Suzhou Power Supply Company, which will be directly matched when the payment is made by the state, and then settled with the finance every month.

2. Reward the acquirer who implements enterprise merger and reorganization

For enterprises that comply with national laws and regulations and carry out mergers and reorganizations during 2018-2020, the acquirer will be given a maximum bonus of no more than 5% based on the actual cash purchase price of the target enterprise or the investment amount based on the net assets of the target enterprise, and a maximum of no more than 1 million yuan per enterprise.

3. Reward the operating institutions whose total installed capacity of distributed power generation exceeds 10,000 kW

From 2018 to 2020, professional construction and operation institutions with annual installed capacity of distributed power generation exceeding 10,000 kW in Suzhou will be rewarded with 0.1 yuan per watt, with the maximum annual reward not exceeding 2 million yuan.

About further promoting suzhou pv industry

Some opinions on sustainable and healthy development

(Draft for Comments)

Municipal and district people's governments, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou High-tech Zone management Committee; Municipal commissions and Bureaus, directly affiliated units:

In order to implement the national energy development strategy, speed up the construction of a model city for international energy reform and development, promote the quality and efficiency of photovoltaic enterprises, and promote the application of photovoltaic, according to the relevant national and provincial policies to promote the sustainable and healthy development of photovoltaic industry, and in combination with the actual situation of Zhuhai, the following opinions are put forward:

First, guiding ideology

In-depth implementation of the spirit, the party's 19 new era to xi jinping, the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, adhere to the "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing" concept of development, focused on the provincial party committee "two poly high" strategy, closely around yong as "two pole", to carry out the construction of "four outstanding", "four famous", Strive to enhance the core competitiveness of photovoltaic enterprises in the city, promote the transformation and upgrading of photovoltaic industry and the application of photovoltaic power generation, and make contributions to enhance the vitality and competitiveness of the city's economic development.

Second, work objectives

With "market leading, government guide" for the principle, practice internal strength, strong physique, encourage enterprises to shift from relying on the policy to rely on the market, reduce our dependence on subsidies, prompted by authors efficiency to improve the quality of development, promote the industry resources to concentrate in high quality enterprise, cultivating 3-5 state-level, world-class pv manufacturing leader.

Under the principle of "leading by example and increasing guidance", local enterprises, institutions, communities and households will be supported and encouraged to install and use photovoltaic power generation systems. Professional energy service companies are encouraged to cooperate with users to invest in the construction, operation and management of photovoltaic power generation and related facilities for users. By the end of 2020, the installed photovoltaic power generation capacity of the city will be 1.5GW.

Iii. Promote the sustainable and healthy development of the photovoltaic industry

1. Strengthen planning coordination and strengthen industrial guidance

According to the development needs of photovoltaic industry, the coordination mechanism of photovoltaic industry development and application should be established to promote the orderly development of photovoltaic industry and application. Encourage enterprises to participate in the announcement of photovoltaic manufacturing industry specifications, promote backward production capacity out of the market, and improve the level of industrial development. Strengthen the connection and coordination between manufacturing industry and power generation application, photovoltaic power generation and supporting power grid construction, and constantly promote the application of local photovoltaic power generation. (Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Municipal Agriculture Commission, Municipal Commerce Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Suzhou Customs, Municipal Legislative Affairs Office, Municipal Financial Office, Suzhou Power Supply Company, municipal and district people's Governments, management committees)

2. Improve the business environment and lighten the burden on enterprises

1. Implement national and provincial tax reduction policies. We will strengthen the implementation of preferential policies for high-tech photovoltaic enterprises and the transfer of photovoltaic technology achievements, implement tax policies on additional deductions for R&D expenses, comprehensive utilization of resources, energy conservation and emission reduction, and encourage photovoltaic enterprises to enhance their capacity for independent innovation and accelerate industrial restructuring. (Responsible departments: Suzhou Tax Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

2. Reduce non-technical costs of enterprises. We will thoroughly review and standardize enterprise-related charges in environmental management, safety assessment, inspection, quarantine and testing, e-government platforms, and freight and logistics. Comprehensively implement the relevant policies of the provincial electricity market transaction, and actively organize photovoltaic enterprises to participate in the electricity market transaction. "Internet plus" has been fully implemented to optimize electricity processing procedures, improve the efficiency of electricity connection and reduce the cost of electricity connection. (Responsible departments: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, Suzhou Customs, Suzhou Power Supply Company, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

3. Expand financial support channels. Financial institutions are encouraged to, in accordance with the principle of differentiated treatment, provide stable credit support or even incremental credit services to competitive photovoltaic enterprises with industrial core technologies and strong innovation capabilities, and support their reasonable financing needs such as normal production and operation, technological innovation, merger and reorganization, and overseas investment. Expand financing channels for photovoltaic enterprises, and actively support enterprises to finance through debt financing instruments in the interbank market. According to the characteristics of distributed photovoltaic energy, we will adopt flexible credit policies, innovate financial products and services, and support enterprises and households to build photovoltaic power generation systems. (Responsible departments: Municipal Financial Office, Suzhou Central Branch of People's Bank of China, Suzhou Banking Regulatory Branch, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

(3) Increase financial support to boost enterprise development

1. Promote technological innovation. We will encourage and support key photovoltaic enterprises in building technology centers and r&d platforms for experiments and commercialization. Support to undertake or participate in the construction of national and provincial manufacturing innovation centers, and give a maximum reward of RMB 5 million to the newly recognized national and provincial innovation centers; Carry out the pilot work of identifying the innovation center of manufacturing industry at the municipal level, reward the newly recognized innovation center at the municipal level with 1 million yuan, and support the r&d projects of the innovation center at the municipal level based on the best ones; Enterprises are encouraged to increase investment in innovation and speed up the construction of R&D institutions. Governments at all levels will give key policy support and guidance to enterprises in terms of R&D carriers, talents and funds. Enterprises newly recognized as national enterprise technology centers or national technological innovation demonstration enterprises will be given one-time rewards of no more than RMB 2 million. Those who are awarded excellent in the national and Jiangsu enterprise technology center complex evaluation will be awarded RMB 1 million and RMB 300,000 respectively. (Responsible departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

2. Reduce logistics costs. The establishment of customs clearance green channel, to provide comprehensive services to photovoltaic enterprises customs clearance. The customs inspection fee will be reduced or exempted. (Responsible departments: Suzhou Customs, Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

3. Encourage talent introduction. Implement the relevant regulations on the introduction of high-level talents and relevant policies on the introduction of leading talents and innovation teams, and accelerate the introduction of a number of innovative technical talents in the field of photovoltaic industry. Enterprises will be encouraged to establish strategic cooperative relationships with institutions of higher learning and research institutes, and carry out key technological breakthroughs and personnel training. Strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship incentives in the photovoltaic field, and give key rewards to outstanding talents who have made outstanding contributions to local development according to their contributions. (Responsible departments: Municipal Talent Office, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

4. Promote mergers and restructuring. In order to encourage the merger and reorganization of photovoltaic enterprises, for the enterprises that comply with national laws and regulations and carry out merger and reorganization during 2018-2020, the acquirer will be given a maximum reward of no more than 5% based on the actual cash acquisition price of the target enterprise by the acquirer or the equity value of the target enterprise based on the net assets of the target enterprise, and a maximum reward of no more than 1 million yuan per enterprise. (Responsible departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

Fourth, accelerate the popularization and application of photovoltaic

1. Standardize grid-connection management services. Suzhou Power Supply Company has completed grid connection of photovoltaic power generation projects in accordance with laws and regulations, established a simple and efficient grid connection service system in connection with grid application, record approval, commissioning and acceptance, and price settlement, and provided subsidized electricity metering and subsidized capital settlement services for distributed power generation projects listed in the national subsidy catalog of renewable energy. The project owner shall be paid according to the electricity fee settlement cycle according to the subsidized electricity quantity and the electricity price subsidy standard stipulated by the state. For distributed photovoltaic power generation projects that do not need subsidies, if they have access to the power grid, large-scale construction can be liberalized. If the power supply company does not agree to the photovoltaic project access, it shall explain the reasons in writing and report to the municipal power regulatory authority. (Responsible departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Suzhou Power Supply Company, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

2. Subsidies for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects. Distributed power generation projects built between 2018 and 2020 will be subsidized 0.05 yuan/KWH by project application units or individuals in addition to national subsidies according to actual power generation effect; For projects not included in the national subsidy, 0.37 yuan/KWH subsidy will be given to project application units or individuals. All projects will be subsidized for three years from the date of grid connection, and the funds will be paid in advance by Suzhou Power Supply Company, which will be directly matched when the payment is made by the state, and then settled with the finance every month. (Responsible departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Suzhou Power Supply Company, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

3. Encourage the development of rooftop photovoltaic resources. The requirements for photovoltaic construction on the roofs of new buildings should be clearly defined, and the existing buildings should be gradually renovated to increase the promotion of photovoltaic application. For units that provide roof resources for investment and construction or rent roof resources to participate in the construction of distributed photovoltaic power stations, the energy generated by rooftop photovoltaic power stations will be counted as per unit energy saving and will be supported according to energy saving and consumption reduction policies. (Responsible departments: Urban Housing Administration, Economic and Information Technology Commission, municipal and district people's governments, management committees) 4. Professional operation and service of PHOTOVOLTAIC power generation system is encouraged. We support all kinds of investors to invest, build and operate photovoltaic power generation projects, and support qualified enterprises to set up specialized operation service units engaged in photovoltaic power generation system construction, operation and maintenance according to the market mechanism. Support enterprises with strong financial strength and rich management experience to set up third-party contract energy management agencies to construct and operate distributed photovoltaic power generation projects. From 2018 to 2020, professional construction and operation institutions with annual installed capacity of distributed power generation exceeding 10,000 kW in Suzhou city will be rewarded with 0.1 yuan per watt, and the maximum annual reward will not exceed 2 million yuan. (Responsible departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, municipal and district people's governments, management committees)

Four, bylaw

(I) The people's Government of Suzhou Shall be responsible for the interpretation of this opinion.

(ii) The opinions shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

(III) The subsidy funds shall be shared between suzhou city and all districts according to the current financial system, and shall be implemented by referring to the county-level cities.

People's Government of Suzhou

In 2018

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E-mail : kevinqiansz@yeah.net  

Address: Zhucun Industrial Park, Fengtian Road, Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City


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