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Photovoltaic power generation is the main choice of new energy development in the future

On December 23rd, the 20th Peking University Guanghua New Year Forum was held in the National Convention Center.  With the theme of "A Better China: Courage and Progress", the forum aims to pay tribute to the 40 years of reform and opening-up and envision a new vision for development.  Liu Hanyuan, chairman of the Board of Directors of Tongwei Group and Tongwei Co., LTD., attended the forum and delivered a speech.  Liu Hanyuan said in his speech that, fundamentally speaking, the most important issue of sustainable development is the sustainable way of energy production and consumption.  In the context of a new round of energy revolution, photovoltaic power generation has become the main choice of current and future new energy development.  On December 23rd, the 20th Peking University Guanghua New Year Forum was held in the National Convention Center.  With the theme of "A Better China: Courage and Progress", the forum aims to pay tribute to the 40 years of reform and opening-up and envision a new vision for development.  Liu Hanyuan, chairman of the Board of Directors of Tongwei Group and Tongwei Co., LTD., attended the forum and delivered a speech.  Liu Hanyuan said in his speech that, fundamentally speaking, the most important issue of sustainable development is the sustainable way of energy production and consumption. In the context of a new round of energy revolution, photovoltaic power generation has become the main choice of current and future new energy development.  He said that over the past decade, China's photovoltaic industry has achieved a magnificent turn from all the way to catch up, keep pace to surpass, occupying more than 70% of the global market share, has firmly stood in the forefront of the global industry development.  Neither solve the problem of domestic haze unsustainable problem, environment and resources, promote the development of high quality in China, or "neighbourhood" all the way walk out to help less-developed countries across the path of the treatment after pollution, photovoltaic industry will become an important driving force in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the current and future China and even the main traction and the growth of the global economy.  


I. Development history of Tongwei  


Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has grown from a poor and weak agricultural country to the world's second largest economy and largest manufacturer. China's overall national strength has continued to grow, its voice in global discourse has risen significantly, and its people have made a leap from having enough to eat and clothing to a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  China's private economy has also grown from scratch, from small to large, providing a strong impetus for economic and social development, boosting China to create one miracle after another development.  As witnesses, we have participated in and experienced China's economic development and take-off over the past 40 years.  


In 1983, I was engaged in scientific research work in meishan County Bureau of Water and Electricity, and invented the channel metal cage type flowing water fish farming technology, which created the record of fish farming output per unit area in Sichuan at that time.  Since then, the State Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture have promoted the technology to the whole country as "Spark Plan" and "Harvest Plan" respectively.  In 1986, I set up the first fish feed factory in The southwest of Meishan -- Meishan Fishery Combined feed factory, which is the predecessor of Tongwei. The "Keli brand" fish feed takes "science and technology is the first productive force" meaning, and often falls short of supply with innovative formula and excellent quality.  Since then, tong wei marched into the fast lane, the development of breeding technology has won the "aquatic products industry technology progress award", the ministry of agriculture in sichuan province "scientific and technological progress second prize," tong wei also by a small workshops gradually grow into the world's largest aquatic feed production group, constantly promote the development of China's aquaculture industry transformation, fish, shrimp, crab and other aquatic products entered the ordinary people,  Let this most healthy animal food into the table of millions of families.  At present, three out of every five farmed fish in the world are raised in China, and one out of every three fish raised in China is related to Tongwei.  In the process of the development and expansion of the enterprise, I was rated as the youngest engineer in Sichuan in 1987, and the youngest senior engineer in Sichuan in 1992, and was successively elected as the standing Committee of the County CPPCC, municipal CPPCC, provincial CPPCC, as well as the national CPPCC member and the youngest standing committee of the National CPPCC.  


In 2002, I studied in THE EMBA of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. After graduation, I continued to study as a DBA doctor of Business Administration. I chose the topic of comparative Research on Various New Energy sources and China's Energy Strategic Choice to conduct research, and formed the research result that solar photovoltaic power generation will become the main development direction of clean energy in the future.  Since then, tong wei officially enter the photovoltaic (pv) of new energy industry in 2006, after more than 10 years of development, formed from the upstream production of high purity silicon, middle efficient solar cell production, to the terminal of photovoltaic power station construction and operation of a complete pv new energy industry chain, become the core of the global pv industry participants and driving force.  


Ii. Achievements of China's photovoltaic industry  


Over the past 10 years, with the continuous and hard efforts of all practitioners, China's photovoltaic industry has achieved a magnificent turn from catching up and going hand in hand to comprehensively surpassing Europe, Europe, Japan and South Korea and other photovoltaic powers, promoting China's photovoltaic industry to ride the dust, occupying more than 70% of the global market share.  McKinsey's research report shows that China's photovoltaic industry is far ahead of the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea, firmly holding the industry's development, becoming one of the "national card" of high-speed rail.  


In terms of the industry as a whole, China has established a sound photovoltaic power industry system, equipment manufacturing, system application has been in the world's leading level;  From the perspective of manufacturing process, China's photovoltaic industry ranks first in the world from core raw materials to main equipment, main products and system integration.  From the perspective of energy input and output, the energy consumption of the whole process of the current manufacturing photovoltaic power generation system can be fully recovered within half a year after the completion of the power station;  From the perspective of power generation cost, the construction cost of photovoltaic power stations has decreased by 90% in the past decade. For the power stations built under the existing conditions in China, the cost of each kilowatt hour is about 3-4 yuan. With the progress of technology and the improvement of scale effect, the cost will drop by more than 30% in three to five years, becoming the energy production mode with the lowest power generation cost. In April this year, Qinghai Golmud photovoltaic power generation leading base project, reported a tender price of 0.31 yuan/KWH, has been equivalent to coal power grid price.  Globally, feed-in tariffs for photovoltaic power generation have also fallen to very low levels, about 7 cents in India, 4-6 cents in the United States, and 1.79 cents in Saudi Arabia for a 25-year long-term contract, equivalent to only 0.12 yuan/KWH.  


In the context of a new round of energy revolution, photovoltaic power generation has become the main choice of current and future new energy development.  California, which has the largest economic aggregate and the largest energy consumption in the US, has achieved the goal of generating more than 33% of its electricity from renewable energy three years ahead of schedule in 2017, and plans to generate more than 50% of its primary energy from renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by 2040. In September this year, California legislated again to achieve the goal of 2030 ahead of schedule by 2025.  Renewable energy accounted for 33.1 percent of Germany's electricity generation in 2017.  France plans to generate all of its electricity from clean sources by 2050.  In December 2015, the UK closed its last coal mine and announced that it would close all of its coal-fired power plants in the near future. As the first country in the world to pioneer the use of coal power, it may become the first country to say goodbye to coal.  In all of these countries, photovoltaic power is the leading renewable energy source, and most of the products used in each country are made in China.  According to the prediction of relevant authorities, in 2018, the global installed capacity of pv is about 106GW, and China's installed capacity is about 40GW. There will be more than 15 countries around the world with installed capacity of over 1GW, many of which are countries along the belt and Road.  


Third, haze encircles the city, promoting the energy revolution is imminent  


In the past two or three centuries, coal, oil and other fossil fuels have provided the driving force for the two industrial revolutions and pushed forward the wheel of human history and civilization.  However, with the long-term exploitation and use of fossil energy, on the one hand, the unsustainable problem of resources has become increasingly prominent, on the other hand, global warming and increasing environmental pressure, the deterioration of air quality in many countries.  Since November this year, most parts of northern China have suffered three times of heavy smog, with the air index once exceeding 300 and some places higher. It has become the epitome of China's deteriorating air quality in recent years, and once again warns the Chinese people that accelerating energy transformation and upgrading is imminent.  At present, coal accounts for more than 60% of China's primary energy consumption, half of the world's coal burning in China, coupled with the exhaust emissions of more than 310 million vehicles, further aggravates the deterioration of air quality in China's urban agglomeration areas, haze has become a major problem plaguing Chinese people's production and life.  There may be different views on the causes of haze, but the energy consumption structure dominated by coal and oil is undoubtedly the main reason.  In the past few years, a nationwide effort has been made to control pollution, save energy and reduce emissions, and smog has been eased in some areas for some time, and the pollution index in some areas has significantly improved.  


However, with the effective treatment of obvious pollution sources, many major pollution sources have been reduced, and many factories have achieved very low emission standards. In the coming years, the effect of treatment will be greatly weakened, and the economy and energy consumption will continue to grow.  Against this backdrop, as long as nearly 5 billion tons of coal and nearly 1 billion tons of oil are burned and discharged in major urban areas in China every year, even if the world's strictest environmental emission standards are adopted, no matter how many factories are shut down or how many vehicles are banned from the road, it will only be a superficial treatment. It will still be difficult to solve the smog problem fundamentally.  


This month 3, a new round of climate talks at the United Nations, the UN secretary-general, guterres, points out that the current national independent commitments have not enough to realize the setting of the Paris agreement climate goals in 2030, the existing level must be 3 times, can realize to control the global warming within 2 c goal, to realize the goal of 1.5 degrees,  Individual pledges would need to be increased fivefold.  At the RECENT G20 Summit, General Secretary Xi Jinping reiterated that all parties should fulfill their commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement to the letter, step up pre-2020 actions, and promote the global green and low-carbon transition.  


At present, the renewable energy represented by photovoltaic has the overall conditions for rapid development and fundamental transformation of energy. It is extremely urgent to accelerate the development of renewable energy and accelerate a new round of energy revolution.  In modern times, western powers controlled the two industrial revolutions and led the progress of human civilization in the past one or two hundred years.  In this round of energy revolution, we are pleased to see that China and Chinese pv companies have firmly stood at the forefront of the world.  Neither solve the problem of domestic haze unsustainable problem, environment and resources, promote the development of high quality in China, or "neighbourhood" all the way walk out to help less-developed countries across the path of the treatment after pollution, photovoltaic industry will become an important driving force in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the current and future major traction and growth of China and even the global economy,  Its impact on mankind will be no less than that of the previous two industrial revolutions.  


4. Symposium on private enterprises  


On the morning of November 1, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on private enterprises in Beijing and delivered an important speech.  He "played" of the speech, and "irreplaceable" emphasized the private economy in our country occupies the important status in the society and economy, with "56789" summarized the important role of the private economy, also direct response to the "private economy from field theory", "new co-operative theory" and so on some negative, doubt private economy, points out that "this is totally wrong,  It is not in line with the party s general policy. The private sector should be expanded, not weakened.  


I was lucky enough to attend the conference that day, and as one of the 10 entrepreneurs, I spoke about the photovoltaic industry and the energy transition.  In my speech, I said that clean and sustainable photovoltaic power generation has become the main choice of future new energy development, and China's photovoltaic industry has formed an absolute leading position in the world.  But at present, the whole industry is facing some difficulties and problems: first, the policy "sudden brake" brings crisis to the industry;  Second, non-technical factors push up the cost of photovoltaic power generation in China;  Third, photovoltaic industry policy is difficult to meet the needs of China's energy transformation.  To address these issues, I put forward three suggestions: First, firmly promote China's energy revolution and clarify the direction of renewable energy;  Second, reduce taxes and fees on renewable energy;  Third, promote the healthy development of the photovoltaic industry.  


After listening to my report, the General Secretary made important instructions and responses on the spot. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have put forward the overall plan for five-pronged development, put forward the five development concepts of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and put forward green development.  In the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, we also proposed to promote energy transformation, reduce coal consumption and unswervingly promote clean development.  The general secretary also mentioned that he had an in-depth exchange of views with then-US President Barack Obama on the eve of the Paris climate change conference, and Obama expressed the hope that China could shoulder more responsibility for energy conservation and emission reduction.  Later, the Trump administration took office and announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, casting a shadow on global climate governance. However, China will keep its word and keep its promise, unswervingly promote energy conservation and emission reduction, promote the energy revolution, and honor the solemn commitment we made to the world at the Paris Climate Conference.  As for the impact of policies on industry, the General Secretary said that some policies were formulated without sufficient preliminary research, without sufficient listening to the opinions of enterprises, without sufficient consideration of the actual impact of policies, and without leaving necessary adjustment period for enterprises.  Some policies are incompatible with each other, have overlapping effects, or simply work in a way that causes some well-intentioned policies to have the opposite effect.  


The successful experience of 40 years of reform and opening up  


Reviewing the 40 years of reform and opening up in China, the theme of "opening up to the outside world and invigorating the inside" has been running throughout.  Each liberation of the mind has prompted the outburst of the vitality of the whole society, and has promoted the great liberation of social productive forces.  Over the past 40 years, with economic development as the central task, we have developed economies of all forms of ownership and made remarkable achievements.  Therefore, whether we sum up the past or look into the future, from the economic, social and political perspectives, how to form a broader national consensus, unite all forces that can be united, and join in the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are the biggest objective needs we are facing.  Nobel Prize winning economist and "father of the Euro" Mundell once said, "Those great entrepreneurs, who made Europe strong and America strong, are also making China strong!"  Only by constantly stimulating the vitality of the market economy and adhering to the principle of "development is the absolute principle", "development is the absolute principle" and "development is always the absolute principle" can the people achieve prosperity and the country become strong and lay a solid economic foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.  He said that over the past decade, China's photovoltaic industry has achieved a magnificent turn from all the way to catch up, keep pace to surpass, occupying more than 70% of the global market share, has firmly stood in the global industry development at the forefront  

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E-mail : kevinqiansz@yeah.net  

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